Can You Ignore A Rodent Problem?

Feb 26, 2023

Rodent sightings are far from a rare occurrence, with 14.8 million homes filing incident reports in just one year. From ransacking the pantry to gnawing on electrical wiring, there’s no shortage of damage they can do. They’ve even caused streets and buildings to collapse from burrowing, costing Americans millions of dollars yearly. Additionally, rodents can spread over 35 diseases to humans, and thousands of people receive bites annually. Considering the potential danger, contacting a pest control professional for an issue as soon as possible is highly recommended. Alternatively, ignoring a rodent problem can have drastic consequences.

Ignoring A Rat Problem

As you can see, the mindset of “it’s just one rat” is sorely misplaced. When there are almost as many rats in the world as humans, it might not seem like a big deal to share your home with one or two of them. Unfortunately, what starts as a harmless couple can quickly increase into a dozen, followed by hundreds. A mother can give birth to up to six litters of around 12 offspring in one year. Those pups can then have young of their own after reaching maturity in a little over a month. In just three years, a pair of rats might produce half a billion descendants.

Moreover, there’s no doubt that ignoring a growing population can be dangerous to your health. Not only do the pests harbor diseases, but they are also quite adept at spreading them. Humans most commonly come into contact with rat-borne pathogens contained in urine and feces. In a mere 24 hours, one can produce up to 12 to 15 milliliters of urine and 50 fecal droppings. Without constant sanitation, a home overrun by rats constitutes a serious health risk.

All they need to survive is an ounce of food and water daily, which makes entirely cutting the supply off challenging. They are also particularly problematic in urban zones as they can move freely about the streets and find food almost anywhere. The longer you ignore an infestation, the more time it gives them to take over and solidify their hold over a territory.

Ignoring A Mouse Problem

In the wild, the life span of a mouse is only around nine to 12 months. However, the comforts of human dwellings can allow them to live up to two years and sometimes more. Combined with their affinity for breeding, a mouse population can quickly get out of hand. Annually, female mice have five to 10 litters of five or six offspring. After six weeks, they’re also ready to reproduce.

Mice might be smaller and less intimidating than rats, but that doesn’t mean they’re less harmful. They top the list of the most troublesome and economically important pests in the United States. When given the opportunity, mice nibble on just about anything, from wooden furniture to valuable books and artwork. Moreover, they are known for spreading diseases and exacerbating asthma. In addition to contaminating food supplies, mice drop an estimated 70 fecal pellets daily, amounting to 25,000 yearly.

Rats And Mice Keep Close To Home

Rats routinely travel from one garbage bin to another in search of sustenance. Similarly, mice can search for food up to 50 feet from their nest. So, eliminating a food source in your house without taking steps to seal off the entry points may prove futile.

Dealing with rodent problems when they come up is considered an essential aspect of public health. In addition to general safety, rodents put you at risk for freak accidents. For instance, they’re responsible for an estimated 20 percent of undetermined fires in the United States. Ignoring a rodent infestation is especially problematic because it can create other pest issues. For example, when rats and mice chew through walls, they create ample opportunities for insects and other wild animals to enter your home. Thus, dealing swiftly with rodents is essential to prevent costly issues from compounding.

Nuisance Animal Control Professionals In Upstate New York

In recent years, populations have nearly doubled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As such, it’s more important than ever before to practice vigilance. Though you might feel tempted to deal with it yourself, DIY pest solutions often become more expensive. In addition to one-time removal, Patriot Wildlife provides exclusion services for a more permanent solution. We are the top-rated company for providing humane wildlife removal in Monroe, Ontario, and Wayne Counties. Contact us today for an estimate or to learn more about our services and how we can keep your home rodent-free.

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